To My Dad Thank You For The Love And Support Gift – Personalized Leather Journal
Surprise your dad with a gift that goes beyond the ordinary, offering him a daily reminder of the love and connection you share. This Personalized Leather Journal is not just an accessory; it’s a cherished token of the precious moments and enduring affection between a dad and his children.
So much of me is made from what
I learned from you
I may have outgrown your lap but
I know I will never outgrow
A place in your heart
It doesn’t matter how far I go in life.
I will always be your little girl/boy
Thank you for the love and support
I love you
Always and forever.
- Material: Leather, Paper.
- Size: 5.8X8.5 inches (14.73X21.56 cm).
- Number of pages: about 98 pages, about 22 lines per page.
- Paper: light yellow paper.
- Printed on 1 side.